Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sailor Disappointment

Hello! This is Archimedes, a little knitted owl who traveled all the way across the country from Iowa to Vermont to study for the summer. He's a bit scared, but really excited, and he wanted to say hi to you all. He's here to document his travels around Burlington, Vermont, and wherever he ends up going!

Yesterday he spent most of the day cooped up in Amy's pocket while they were both flying out here. He wanted to get out and take pictures with the sailors that were at the airport, but she told him that they should leave the sailors alone. Archimedes told her he would have just kinneared himself with the sailors, but then she told him she left the camera in the checked-in luggage.

Disappointed, Archimedes kinneared himself later instead.

He says that he wishes he told Amy to bring a jacket, since she's cold all the time. But the sunsets and the weather have been really pretty, and he's really enjoying himself so far.

He likes his room (it's kind of like a castle!), and the people seem sweet. Hopefully he can find Amy a warm sweater. He closed the window so she wouldn't toss and turn all night long tonight.

Hoot Hoot from Vermont!

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Archimedes and I would like to hear from you.